Bumthang Trek

The lovely Bumthang valley is the religious heartland of the nation and home to some of its oldest Buddhist temples and monasteries. This three day trek passes through several villages on its meandering route through Bumthang countryside, and provides an exceptional opportunity for contact with Bhutanese rural life.

Day 01 : Arrive Paro

On this flight, one will see Mount Everest, Kanchan Junga and other Himalayan Peaks including our sacred Chomolhari and Mt. Jichu Drake in Bhutan. On landing at Paro International Airport you will be welcomed by a representative of Abhaya Bhutan Tours and Treks. Drive to Hotel through the Paro valley, where agriculture is the main occupation of the people, so rice fields are in plenty. After lunch a trip to the museum called Ta-Dzong, this was originally built as a watch-tower over the Rinpung Dzong below. Ta means to look (over or after), dzong is fortress. Overnight at Paro.

Day 02 : Paro – Sightseeing

Visit Drugyel Dzong, the ruined Fort, which once defended this valley from the Tibetan invasion. This fortress, now a burned shell, was once strategic in Bhutan’s defense against the Tibetan invasion. Mount Chomolhari, the sacred summit, reaches skyward beyond the Dzong. This can be viewed on a clear day. On the way back a visit to a typical Bhutanese farm house.

Day 03 : Paro – Thimphu

This morning follow the winding road beside the Pa Chu (Chu means river or water) down stream to its confluence with the Wangchu, then up valley to Thimphu, the capital. Afternoon lunch at Hotel. After lunch visit the Memorial Chorten, here the faithful circumambulate the shrine dedicated to the Late King saying their prayer beads as they walk. Overnight at the Hotel.

Day 04 : Thimphu – Sightseeing

A full day of sightseeing and shopping in Thimphu. Wonder in town, visit the handicrafts emporium. Visit the workshop where all the handicrafts are produced if you like. Afternoon visit the Tashichho Dzong, subsequently a walk up to Sangay-gang, on the way visit Bhutan’s national animal the Takin. Overnight at the Hotel.

Day 05:Thimphu – Trongsa

The journey to Central Bhutan begins today. The drive to Tongsa takes approximately 7 to 8 hours. Packed lunch will be provided at the Hotel. Lunch stop at Chendeje Chorten. Overnight at Tongsa Tourist Lodge.

Day 06 : Trongsa -Jakar (Bumthang)

Drive to Jakar takes approximately 2.5 hours. Tales of great teacher Guru Padmasambhava dominates this holy valley. From the view point you can see Jakar Dzong “The castle of White Bird”. Lunch at Tourist Lodge. Afternoon hike upto Lame Gompa, a place built by the 1st King for his two nun sisters. Outside of Lame Gompa, one can see the old style of Bhutanese paper making. Overnight in Bumthang Tourist Lodge.

Day 07 : Bumthang-Halt

Walk in and around Bumthang valley or visit the Dairy farm, Swiss cheese factory and apple juice factory. Try to get some of each — they are the best in Bhutan. Also a fishing trip to Chamkhar Chu(Chu means river) can be arranged if desired.This is your day of acclimatization and you should try to get some walking done.

Day 08 : Bumthang – Nganglhakhang

The trek route takes you around the Chamkhar Chu a river known for its richness in trout. Lunch stop at Tangbi Lhakhang- then you enter the land of the Swans or Ngang Yul with its centre a swan temple- Nganglhakhang. This part of the valley was first inhabited by the swans who gave their name Ngang. The Lamanamkha Samdrup having dreamt a vision of how to build a Gompa shot an arrow and at the spot where the arrow landed Nganglhakhang was erected. Cultural programme can be arranged in the evening. Overnight in camp Alt. 9500 ft. Distance 20 Kms about 5/6 hours.

Day 09 : Nganglhakhang – Ugyenchholing

Climb gradually to Phephela pass Alt. 3353m. the highest point on the trek route. The trail you follow until the pass takes you through one of the most beautiful frosted area of this region. Allowing for many stops to enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings. You may want to cross the river from your camp site to go to the beautiful Ugyencholing village and visit the Royal Residence there. Overnight in camp. Alt. 9500 ft. Distance 20 km. 5-6 hrs.

Day 10 : Ugyenchholing – Jakar

The trail you follow takes you along the Tang Chu another river filled with trout. Along the banks of this river is Tag Rimochen Lhakhang(Temple on the cliff of Tiger Stripes) whose initial foundation is ascribed to Guru Rinpoche and its second foundation to the “Treasure Finder” Terton Pemalingpa. On the way to Jakar you visit Mebar Tso “Flaming Lake”. At Pangshing the transport is provided for onward journey. Alt. 9000ft (approximately). Distance 10 Kms 2-3 hours.

Day 11 : Jakar – Trongsa

Drive to Tongsa. Lunch at Trongsa Tourist Lodge. After lunch, relaxation time. Overnight in Tongsa Tourist Lodge.

Day : 12 Trongsa – Thimphu

Drive to Thimphu takes approximately 7-8 hours. Picnic lunch will be provided at Tongsa Tourist Lodge. Lunch stop at Wangdi Guest House. Overnight at Hotel.

Day : 13 Thimphu – Paro Airport

Your tour guide from Abhaya Bhutan Tours & Treks will see you off at the Paro international Airport for onward flight.

Note : This trek is considered to be the easiest. It is normally cultural treks that take you through villages, and involves walking within the tree line for an average of 5-6 hours a day. Not much training is required for this kind of treks. The ascent will not be more than 3000 mts. above the sea level. Moderate fitness is required.